Ahịa ahịa, mgbanwe ngwaahịa taa
Ọnụ ahịa ego nke ụlọ ọrụ 71229 na ezigbo oge.
Ahịa ahịa, mgbanwe ngwaahịa taa

Ntụle ahịa

Ntaneti ntanetị online

Ekekọtara ihe ndekọ akụkọ ntolite

Ahịa ahịa ahịa ahịa

Dividends nke Stock

Erite site na ụlọ ọrụ ụlọ ọrụ

Akụkọ ego

Ọnụ ahịa nke ụlọ ahịa. Ebee ka itinye ego ego?

NorthIsle Copper and Gold Inc. ahịa okpu

Olu nke ahia ahia NorthIsle Copper and Gold Inc. taa na akụkọ ihe mere eme nke NorthIsle Copper and Gold Inc. site na mmalite nke ahia na NCX.V na-ekere òkè na mgbanwe ngwaahịa.
Tinye ka wijetị
Tụkwasị na wijetị

NorthIsle Copper and Gold Inc. okpu

Taa, isi ahịa ahịa nke NorthIsle Copper and Gold Inc. bụ 40 343 400 Canadian dollar.
-112 160 $ (-0.28%)
mgbanwe nke nnukwu aha kemgbe ụnyaahụ

NorthIsle Copper and Gold Inc. isi okwu bụ ozi emepere emepe. A na-agbakọ atụmatụ capitalization NorthIsle Copper and Gold Inc. dabere na ahia na mgbanwe ahia. Ozi maka okpu NorthIsle Copper and Gold Inc. bụ maka naanị akwụkwọ. NorthIsle Copper and Gold Inc. okpu ahịa taa bụ $ 40 343 400.

NorthIsle Copper and Gold Inc. ibu nke ahia

Taa ọnụọgụ ahịa nke mbak NorthIsle Copper and Gold Inc. dị 2 000 Canadian dollar.
-132 000 $ (-98.51%)
mgbanwe nke ụzụ ahịa kemgbe ụnyaahụ

NorthIsle Copper and Gold Inc. mpịakọta azụmaahịa taa = 2 000 dollar US. NorthIsle Copper and Gold Inc. ahia na-ewere ọnọdụ mgbanwe mgbanwe ego dị iche iche. Gburugburu azụmaahịa maka NorthIsle Copper and Gold Inc. dị na weebụsaịtị anyị. NorthIsle Copper and Gold Inc. okpu ahịa belatara site na $ -112 160.


NorthIsle Copper and Gold Inc. ahịa kaadị

NorthIsle Copper and Gold Inc. isi okwu ahịa na eserese site na afọ. Mgbanwe ahụ dị na NorthIsle Copper and Gold Inc. capitalization kwa ọnwa bụ 0%. NorthIsle Copper and Gold Inc. mgbanwe isi mmalite afọ bụ 0%. NorthIsle Copper and Gold Inc. okpu ahia ka ukwuu ụnyaahụ.

Izu Ọnwa 3 ọnwa Afọ 3 afọ

NorthIsle Copper and Gold Inc. akụkọ ihe mere eme

Ụbọchị Isi mmalite
Capitalization (ụtụ ahịa ahịa) bụ ahịa ahịa niile nke ụlọ ọrụ ndị gbanwere na mgbanwe ngwaahịa. Ọnụ ọgụgụ ahịa ahịa dị ka ọnụahịa nke mbak nke ọnụ ọgụgụ nke ụtụ dị iche iche dị.
04/05/2023 40 343 400 $
03/05/2023 40 455 560 $
02/05/2023 40 455 560 $
01/05/2023 41 520 180 $
28/04/2023 40 455 560 $
27/04/2023 39 390 940 $
26/04/2023 39 284 464 $

NorthIsle Copper and Gold Inc. mpịakọta chaatị

Izu Ọnwa 3 ọnwa Afọ 3 afọ

NorthIsle Copper and Gold Inc. ibu akụkọ ihe mere eme

Ụbọchị Mpịakọta (24h)
Onu ahia nke uzo NorthIsle Copper and Gold Inc. bu ugwo onu ahia nile na NCX.V ala ndi azutara ma rere n'oge a choputara.
04/05/2023 2 000 $
03/05/2023 134 000 $
02/05/2023 36 000 $
01/05/2023 75 700 $
28/04/2023 33 000 $
27/04/2023 1 800 $
26/04/2023 45 534 $

04/05/2023 NorthIsle Copper and Gold Inc. isi ahịa ahịa ya na 40 343 400 dollar US. 03/05/2023 NorthIsle Copper and Gold Inc. isi okwu ya na 40 455 560 dollar US. 02/05/2023 NorthIsle Copper and Gold Inc. isi ahịa ahịa ya na 40 455 560 dollar US. NorthIsle Copper and Gold Inc. capitalization ahịa bụ $ 41 520 180 na 01/05/2023.

NorthIsle Copper and Gold Inc. isi okwu na 28/04/2023 riri nne 40 455 560 dollar US. 27/04/2023 NorthIsle Copper and Gold Inc. okpuru ọchịchị dị ka 39 390 940 dollar US. Isi okwu ahịa nke NorthIsle Copper and Gold Inc. na 26/04/2023 okowara 39 284 464 dollar US.

The capitalization nke NorthIsle Copper and Gold Inc. taa bụ 40 343 400 $. Capitalization ahịa nke NorthIsle Copper and Gold Inc. agbanweela na -0.277% tụnyere ụnyaahụ. Onu ahia nke NCX.V nke NorthIsle Copper and Gold Inc. n 'ub ochita ahia nke ugbua abia na 2 000 $. Onu ahia ahia nke NorthIsle Copper and Gold Inc. gbanwere na -98.507% ma tụnyere uzo mbu ahia.

Ụgwọ nke mbak NorthIsle Copper and Gold Inc.

Ego NorthIsle Copper and Gold Inc.